Terry Cote
As an Emergency Services-based Club we recognize the long hours and limited availability of our membership. If you are looking for a quality program, but have little time to spare, the Knights RFC may be for you! If you are interested in joining please get in touch today.

Brent Wood
Men's Coach
A World Rugby Certified Leval 2 Coach for 15's and Level 1 for 7's. Brent brings 18 years of experience along with coaching with levels from Rep Level to the Canadian Team at the World Police & Fire Games.

Darrin Chaplin
Women's Coach
A World Rugby Certified Level 2 Coach, and World Rugby Certified Level 1 Sevens Coach, Darrin brings over 25 years of innovative playing, coaching, and leadership experience to the Knights. Since he is always looking for new talent at all levels of the Club please reach out any time.
Have questions about playing for the Knights or getting involved?